Who we are scroll down

A territory dedicated to agriculture, an innate passion for fruit and three generations of producers and traders tell about us

The experience gained by Didonna Michele at first as trader always looking for a product which satisfy the requirements of the market and later also as a producer allows us to offer selected high quality product. We wholesale trade fruit and vegetables and export table grapes as we have always done but with different numbers than in the past. We recognize that technology and experimentation are the added value of our company.

The scent, the color, the taste of fruit and vegetables are everywhere but what makes us proud is knowing we are offering a certified and checked product and if we add that 80% of energy we use comes from renewable sources we smile to our children with joy and our must is “ to keep improving”

Certified quality

The scent, the color, the taste of fruit and vegetables are everywhere but knowing we are offering a certified and checked product makes us proud.

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